Ethics and Values
SAMOSA operates under a strict code of ethics and values and this applies across all portfolios and operations. Integrity, honesty, responsibility and trustworthiness are the key values which govern the SAMOSA approach.
The code of ethics applies especially with regards to where SAMOSA sources the funding for its initiatives. Partners, friends and donors who are approached must fall within the framework of the ethical boundaries within which SAMOSA operates. Financial management of this funding is also managed in manner which is transparent, professional and effective.
The one aspect SAMOSA upholds is ‘Keeping Promises’. This is where we ensure that all commitments to partners, donors and sponsors are kept, in terms of deliverables of advertising incentives, financial accountability in terms of receipting for example, and follow through on any agreements that have been made.
Each volunteer must follow this approach in all their undertakings, and the leadership is responsible for ensuring that all HR associated with the festival adhere to the ethical code of SAMOSA. SAMOSA is an evolving entity and this allows for a greater level of flexibility with regards to doing things differently from the corporate or societal norm. Innovation, creativity and perseverance are employed in problem solving and to overcome any challenges that arise with regards to SAMOSA operations.
SAMOSA Creative Partnerships Strategy
The Festival’s strategy of Creative Partnerships is centred round a philosophy which encourages collaboration and a collective, centred effort to produce a festival of high quality and of mutual relevance to both SAMOSA and its partner. SAMOSA’s strategy is to collectively create highly energised synergies to bring people together and to open up possibilities for new perspectives.
Approaching the partners, friends and sponsors is done under the precept that they come on board not just on a one off basis; because SAMOSA is an evolving process to spread the message of cohesion and integration, their enrolment into SAMOSA is a long term one and will evolve as SAMOSA evolves.
Partners and friends are also encouraged to creatively engage with SAMOSA with regards to their collaboration; in addition to SAMOSA offering a list of incentives to the donors, partners are encouraged to bring forward ideas and suggestions of how they could additionally benefit from the partnership. This method of working has been extremely successful in terms of creating a greater sense of ownership and enrolment into the festival by the partners.
SAMOSA’s pluralistic approach and ethos is part of a wider commitment to engage the corporate, media, government, donor and cultural community sectors in the country. We do this by encouraging stakeholders to come on board and assume custodianship of the Festival’s message. We believe that by working collaboratively, we can effectively promote cohesion and a greater understanding of our diversity which is so essential to maintaining the peace in our country.
Cultural Partners
A Cultural Partnership involves the following:
1. Endorsement of the Festival by an official organisation
2. Network sharing between the Cultural Organisation and SAMOSA
3. Venue partnership where the partner offers the venue for no fee
4. Resource sharing – Musicians, performers, artists
In return, partners receive equal and preferential placement in all branded advertising and marketing campaigns leading up to the festival. SAMOSA will also continue the partnership beyond the festival and offer network and resource sharing (where relevant) to the partner for future initiatives.
SAMOSA Festival is a highlights platform for some of the best Music, Visual Arts, Cultural and intellectual initiatives and productions and SAMOSA’s diverse platform and increasingly wide reach is ideal for the partner to showcase and demonstrate its capacity, initiatives or performances.